She specializes in astral programming and deep enery clearing through all timelines to help people experience more magic and completely re-design their reality. Living with full access to the powerful energetic and psychic technologies that are embedded and encoded within our DNA and soul matrix is the ultimate goal and this over arches everything Natty does.
With a lifelong passion for spreading light and brightening people’s lives, Natty has 12 years experience building businesses and projects that have a powerful positive impact on society.
It wasn’t until her psychic awakening in 2020 that Natty discovered her true soul’s calling and that piece of the puzzle that always felt missing.
ince then Natty has activated 100s of lightworkers, facilitating deep healing and multidimensional transformations that have helped clients go on to build businesses, land dream jobs, write books, become digital nomads and develop their own powerful psychic and healing modalities so that they can go and spread light further activating otherse and raising the vibration of the collective.
The purple realm is one of Natty’s proudest achievements and most powerful acts of service for the collective, over 60 powerful humans gather each month and take part in her trance channeled healing, clearing and astral journeying sessions sending out huge change for the collective from a seed energetic level, this is true psychic activism.
Natty published her first book May 2024 and has 2 more in the works including and fully channeled book from her Dragon guides, this is coupled with a 40 card oracle deck also fully channeled from the Dragons which will be available in 2025.
atty Beatts is a psychic development expert and DNA activator, a healer and trance channel, dragon keeper, author, singer and multidimensional business coach.